Cleaning Up Application Data

Cleaning Up Application Data

The method of Cleaning up the Application Data is very straightforward of WinFTP Pro software. This software enables you to clean your computer’s data with ease and quickly. However, you…
About Dialog

About Dialog

About Dialog WinFTP Pro is a graphical open source SFTP and FTP client for Windows that also supports the old FTP protocol. It offers a protected data and files transfer…


The Applications Integration Page (Preferences Dialog) The Applications Integration page under the Preferences dialog has the option, which you can use to configure how WinFTP Pro integrates with other applications.…
Properties Dialog

Properties Dialog

The properties of WinFTP Pro software can be configured by opening Preference dialog and then you will find the option properties. In the properties dialog, you can change and view…
Location Profiles Dialog

Location Profiles Dialog

The dialog Location Profiles is an optional use under the commander interface. You can use this option, as an alternative to the Bookmark dialog.  This Location Profile dialog will show…
Synchronization Checklist

Synchronization Checklist

In this guide, we will learn about ui_synchronize Dialog usage and steps. In the synchronize Dialog, you will find the direction of selection and more options for synchronization. Go the…