Generate Session URL/Code/Transfer Code Dialog

Generate Session URL/Code/Transfer Code Dialog

The ui_generateurl is useful if you want to generate the session URL, file, or code template, use the dialog “Generate session URL/code.”

If you are looking for an option to open the dialog to generate the code or session URL, use:

Session > Generate Session URL/Code

This command will be used on the main window if you want to generate the code template or session URL for the current session.

Manage > Generate Session URL/Code

Use this command on the Login dialog while generating the session URL or template of code for the selected site.

If you want to open the dialog to generate a file transfer code, use these commands:

Transfer Settings > Generate Code

Use this command if you want to open the dialog that generates the file URL:

File(s) > File Names > Generate File URL

Use this on the main window; it will generate file URL for files, which are selected in the panel of the remote files.

The dialog will show you the following tabs-

  • URL Tab
  • Script Tab
  • .NET Assembly Code Tab
  • Copying Generated URL or Code to Clipboard
  • Limitations
  1. URL Tab

  • The URL tab can be used if you want to generate the session URL and also the File URL.
  • In the generated URL, there is always a protocol, and hostname portions are included.
  • Checkout the password first, while including the password into the URL.
  • To include the SSH host key fingerprints into the URL, check the SSH host keys.
  1. Script Tab

The Script tab can be used while you are generating the WinFTP Pro script template for the file transfer or session.

It will include the followings-

  • Open command along with the session URL and also the switches, which are needed for the session configuration.
  • If you have the selected files under the source panel, a code will be generated, which allows you to upload all the files.
  • In case you have a few sites only which are selected, the code will be available to upload only those files. (files with different names will be escaped if the mask names have special characters)
  1. .NET Assembly Code Tab

  • The “.NET Assembly” tab can be used to generate the code template.
  • Use the WinFTP Pro .Net assembly for the options- sessions and files transfer.

The code will help you in the followings-

  • Setting up the SessionOptions along with the properties, which are needed for the session configuration.
  • Helps in Creating the Session instance.
  1. Copying Generated URL or Code to Clipboard

  • The command “Copy to clipboard” will be used if you want to copy the generated URL or code to the clipboard.
  1. Limitations

  • The WinFTP Pro software cannot define/aware of the limitations of the Path of the server.
  • WinFTP Pro will not be able to generate the code while your server asks you to start working in the specific folder.
  • Each time, you need to add the code manually.