The Panels/Remote Page (Preferences Dialog)

The Panels/Remote Page (Preferences Dialog)

The Panels/Remote Page or panels remote option can be seen under the Preferences Dialog Page. This option allows you to set and configure the display and options of the behavior of the remote files panel.

For more details, you can refer to the following documentation of the panels remote page sections

Remote Panel

  • If you uncheck the “Show Inaccessible Directories” option, WinFTP Pro considers those directories inaccessible by the current users, which are hidden.
  • You should use this option with caution because WinFTP Pro cannot detect this reliably; it only works as best as it can. The remote panel usually requires when the transfer protocol instructs it to list the groups, from where the users belong.
  • You can uncheck the option “Automatically refresh remote directory after operation” if you want to avoid the reload time-consuming and reload the directories which contain a large amount of the files after every operation. In addition, you can force refresh it manually.
  • Generally, you can toggle this option, by using the keyboard shortcut.
  • If you want the panel to reload after the background transfer completes, you should enable the directory caching.
  • You can use the option Refresh remote panel every if you are looking for reload of the remote panel in regular intervals, while the application is idle.