WinFTP Pro – Preferences

WinFTP Pro – Preferences
Woman checking her email in a meeting


This guide will show you the details about preferences, its uses, and the list of all the pages.

The use of Preferences dialog is to configure the general interfaces, behavioral, and all other settings of the software WinFTP Pro.

If you want to show the Preferences dialog in the software, use this command-

View > Preferences in the Explorer Interface alternatively, you can use Options > Preferences in the commander interface.

In addition, you can open a particular dialog before you begin the sessions. Use the following command for the same-

Tools > Preferences on the login dialog.

The preferences dialog has the following pages

  1. Environment Page
  2. Interface
  3. Window
  4. Commander
  5. Explorer
  6. Languages
  7. Panels Page
  8. File Colors
  9. Remote
  10. Local
  11. Editors Page
  12. Internal Editor
  13. Transfer Page
  14. Drag & Drop
  15. Background
  16. Endurance
  17. Network Page
  18. Security Page
  19. Logging Page
  20. Integration Page
  21. Applications
  22. Commands Page
  23. Storage Page

Note: All these pages mentioned above have separate information/functionality and steps, which are described in our next posts.